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How We Represent You

Representing You in a Criminal Case

Here you will learn about how we go about representing you in a criminal case.  To that end, we want you to know what drives us in defending our clients. Also, you should know how we approach our cases. We recommend that you read about our general practice philosophy.

Theory Of Defense

The best offense or defense is one solidly based on a logical and fully researched theory of offense or defense.  To win, the theory is implemented through an aggressive and well-executed litigation plan. We find what is best to represent you in a criminal case.


Our firm philosophy is that careful preparation is the key to success in representing you in a criminal case. As such, Bodiford Law’s attorney work with you to craft a theory of how to litigate the case. We do this based on a detailed review of the other side’s case and their own investigative findings. Then, with a logical theory of offense or defense in mind, each attorney then sets out a litigation plan. The litigation plan is to accomplish both short-term and overall goals in representing you in a criminal case.

Litigation Plan

To develop these theories of offense or defense and a litigation plan, in each case, our lawyers work extensively in interviewing witnesses. We also review documentation and deposing witnesses. Additionally, we enlist investigators and forensic specialists who assist in preparation of the client’s claims or defenses, cross-examination of witnesses and presentation of exculpatory or favorable evidence.

Case Analysis

Bodiford Law, P.A., firm’s intensive pretrial preparation also includes the meticulous and detailed evaluation of each case. To that end, we examine the government’s or other side’s witnesses and evidence.  We employ creative techniques to discover the client’s best claims or defenses. Moreover, Joe Bodiford’s belief in optimizing pretrial litigation extends to the preparation of extensive motions. These can be motions to limit the opponent’s evidence at trial, or motions to suppress evidence.  Also, we always file memorandums of law to support the case theory.


In representing you in a criminal case, working together is key. We believe in extensive client contact and communication in preparation of cases, with a focus on zealous and aggressive representation.

Trial Advocacy

At trial, Mr. Bodiford’s unique cross-examination techniques (which he teaches as an adjunct professor of law) allow him to essentially present his theory of the case through the opponent’s own witnesses. As a result, he is able to control the other side’s witnesses to the advantage of the client.

We also believe in careful and complete preparation of the client and any witnesses for the trial. We will often invite other attorneys to participate in “mock trials” to test strategies and theories.

Free Consultations

At Bodiford Law, P.A., we are dedicated to our clients and their rights. You can contact us anytime for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation. Call or text us at 850-222-4529 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with one of our attorneys.